Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My goals

Well, I started this blog because I wanted to let people know that I have a goal to be published, but I haven't really talked about that yet, have I? 

Here we go.

I have two publishing goals:  1) To publish a short story that I wrote over ten years ago and have recently polished up. 2) To publish a 5 to 6 book Saga that is fantasy/action/romance based. 

My short story is finished as far as editing goes, but I do need to follow steps that will get me to the self-publishing e-book platform.  We'll see how quickly this process will take so I can calculate when my story will be ready for online digital release. 

I'm excited and anxious for this.  In some ways, this short story highlights some very vulnerable beliefs I have, and in a day and age where everyone is a critic and every word you say or write can be taken to extreme viewpoints, publishing can be scary.

I feel that my voice deserves to be heard, though.  This short story is a religious inspirational story about an angry teenage girl who has shut Christ out of her life, and on Christmas Eve, has a dream so real and vivid that it could only be called a vision.  She visits Christ in the garden of Gethsemene and the two have a very personal conversation that enlightens her to the kind of love and forgiveness that exists inside of not only Christ, but within ourselves.

I have to be honest, I don't really know where this story came from.  It doesn't mirror my teenage years.  It isn't something I drew from personal experience or from someone else's.  Simply put, I feel this story was placed into my hands to be shared with others. 

This world needs more focus that life is about learning, not about learning to be perfect.  Learning involves discovery, trying new things, making mistakes, making mistakes again, getting back up, smiling and laughing and crying, being open minded, changing, choosing (ALWAYS choosing), growing, growing, growing, growing!

So.  My little story focus on just a little bit of that.  This teenage girl learns a very important lesson on Christmas Eve about love - and who better than to learn about love than from someone who embodies it in every fiber of their being? 

I am excited to see this little story work its way into print, and hopefully work its way into your hearts where you can also feel the lesson of love.   


  1. Good luck with all your ambitions. I am sure you will achieve each and every one.
