Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Adventures of Little Dude: Part Four

Eeep!  Meant to post this in the morning, but life's circumstances got the better of me.  Onward ho, toward the continuation of Little Dude's adventure. . .

Part Four:  Little Dude’s Sticky Situation

Sarah felt a ray of hope inside.  She would investigate the nest, figure out where it was, and go from there.  She grabbed a mixing bowl from her kitchen, found some comfy towels to put inside, and carefully lifted Little Dude into his temporary makeshift nest.  She placed a small towel over him so that he was nicely warm and snug.  Then she went outside on a mission. 
With a chair and flashlight in hand, Sarah carried her items down to her covered parking area, stood up on the chair, and tried to peer her flashlight into the two holes that were directly above where Little Dude fell.  Sarah’s suspicions were confirmed:  She wasn’t tall enough to see clearly into those holes and figure out which one held the nest.  She didn’t hear any chirping either, which made her wonder if there were any other siblings in there at all.  She really needed to know that.  She didn’t want to put Little Dude back into an empty nest!

So she walked upstairs and found one of her neighbors outside.  Right away she explained the situation, and asked her neighbor if she had a small ladder available.  The neighbor didn’t, and felt bad that she didn’t know how to help out.  Then another neighbor came out, and he was a tall neighbor. 
Oh good!  I need someone tall!

Sarah went to him, but he told her the same advice about Mama not accepting the baby back into the nest because of human scent.
That silently frustrated Sarah for two reasons.  One: she just didn’t want to believe it. Two: It meant neither of her neighbors, nice though they were, were going to help out.  Little Dude’s fate now rested entirely in her hands.  She thought for a moment, and there was one conclusion she came to: there was only one way to find out which theory was right.  She decided to take Little Dude down with her in his makeshift nest, and she was going to bird watch for Mama’s return until her husband came home from work.

Not much time had passed until his car pulled up.  He got out, and straightaway Sarah enlisted him to step on the chair and see which hole carried the nest.
She was so glad her husband was tall, because he spotted the nest right away.  The problem was, out of the two holes, Mama had planted her nest in the smallest one.  Sarah stuck a winter glove on, and barely had enough room to fit her hand up into the hole.


How was she going to get Little Dude back up in there?  Should she even try?  After plenty of discussion with her husband, they both decided that it was the first course of action they should at least try for.  It was, after all, what Wikipedia suggested (and Wikipedia is never, ever wrong). 
Donning some kitchen gloves (Sarah was concerned about handling Little Dude with bare hands again, just in case Mama wouldn’t approve) and a face mask for safety measures  (because you never know what you are dealing with when you stick your hand up into a hole filled with insulation and a bird nest), she cupped Little Dude in her hands and slowly raised her arm up like an elevator shaft, carefully positioning Little Dude to slide right up into the hole. 

Little Dude didn’t quite like the lift, and scooted around on Sarah’s gloved hands, refusing to leave.  Suddenly his butt lifted, and—SQUIRT!
Down poured a thin stream of white liquid poop onto Sarah’s face and shirt.

Sarah got bird bombed.
Thankfully it hadn’t penetrated her eye, but the runny poop was slowly moving down into that area, so she asked her husband for the small towel that she had used to place over Little Dude (this was the second time she wasn’t freaking out about warm poop getting on her.  Boy was she proud!).  Her husband, not realizing it had gotten onto her face, quickly lifted it to her. 

After mopping it up— with Little Dude still sitting on her gloved palm—she wiggled and twisted her hand enough so that Little Dude was forced to step onto the ceiling’s ledge.  After that, she finished squeezing her hand up into the hole, where (as gently as she could) Sarah lifted him so he was sitting next to his baby brother again.  Little Dude squawked loudly during all of this, because little did Sarah know, he did NOT want to go back up into the nest with his little brother.
“Back from Hollywood already beak-brain?” Little Dude’s brother pestered.  “What, was your fat beak too ugly for them, too? Ha!”

Little Dude groaned.  This was not what he wanted.  A very nice lady had lifted him up and carried him somewhere very far away.  Her hands were warm, and there was even a new nest he was placed in.  Okay, yes he had been scared, but now that he was back with his annoying older brother, Little Dude realized that in a very short time, he had outgrown his home.  
Maybe the nice lady would take him to Hollywood! 

That thought excited Little Dude very much.  Scooting back to the ledge of his home and ignoring his squawking brother’s comments, Little Dude opened his wings, sure that this time would be different.  This time his wings would work, and he could—

Fall right back down the hole again.

Two installments left!  Stay tuned for Part Five on Saturday!

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