Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Adventures of Little Dude: Part Six

Note to self:  Blogger's 'blog schedule' eludes my technical skills.  I thought I had this set to post in the morning, but low and behold, it hasn't!  Without further ado, here's the continuation...

 Part Six:  Little Dude’s Adventure

Little Dude was excited.  Did the nice lady just say they were going on an adventure?  Did she understand him when he explained about wanting to go to Hollywood just now?  Oh, how he hoped!
Suddenly his nest was being lifted into the air, which made him so excited. 

“Oh yay oh yay oh yay!” he squawked. 
A bright red car door opened up, and inside he went, his nest settling right onto the nice lady’s lap.  Did the lady have food?  Boy, he could sure use some right about now.  He was going on an adventure!  One needed to eat when going on an adventure.  He opened his mouth, but nothing came.  That made him a little sad.  When was he going to get food? 

Very soon, something happened that made Little Dude forget all about nourishment.  A great loud rumbling sounded, followed by some scary vibration.  Was this the car starting up?  Jeepers, it sounded a lot more scary now that he was inside of it!
If Little Dude thought that was the worst of it, boy was he wrong.  He started sensing movement and knew that the car was now driving, but it felt. . .

“What is that?!  What is that? Ahhh!” Little Dude squawked with panic.

He was moving very fast now, but this didn’t feel like the right kind of movement!  His wings weren’t flapping and he didn’t feel any wind, but his tiny body was going on a very fast and very bumpy flight. 
“This doesn’t feel right!”  Little Dude yelled.

“Shhh,” the nice lady responded to his terrified chirps.  “It’s okay Little Dude.  I know this must feel very strange to you, but I promise you’ll be okay,” she soothed.
The very fast movement and the bumpy-ness continued though, so Little Dude wasn’t at all comforted.

“This doesn’t feel right!” he continued to chirp away.   
After what felt like a long time, the movement slowed down and came to a stop.  That made him feel a little bit better, so much in fact that he stopped screaming for a minute.  Was he in Hollywood already?

“Hey,” said the nice lady’s mate.  He sounded like he was laughing.  What was so funny?  “I think he likes the car better when it’s not moving. 
Well that was certainly true, Little Dude agreed.

“We’re at a stop light, Little Dude,” the nice lady explained.  “This will only last a little bit, and then—”
“Ahhhh!!” Little Dude yelled.

“Yup, we’re on our way again,” the nice lady explained.  “Shhh, it’s okay little guy.  We’re taking care of you.  This will be your first flying experience.  It’s always scary the first time.  Just wait until we get on the freeway.  You’re in for a rush!”
The nice lady continued to talk, but Little Dude wasn’t really paying attention.  He was very concerned about the bumpy movement that did not feel right.  Maybe he should have waited until he was just a tad bit older so that Mama could show him the way to Hollywood herself.  He much preferred flapping his wings compared to—

The car was now going much, much faster now.  The bumpy-ness turned into very fast and very scary vibration.  What did the nice lady say to him?  Something about a freeway?  He really did not like the freeway.  Nope, he really didn’t.

The bad part was, this freeway thing went on for a very, very, VERY long time.  How far away was Hollywood?  He knew that some part of him should be braver than he was, but it was so hard to find that bravery inside when he was traveling so fast in such an unnatural way.  The nice lady was trying to soothe him, but he just couldn’t help the squawks that continued to pour from his beak. 
This is so scary!

That thought went over and over in his head until. . . was the movement slowing down?  Yes!  The car wasn’t going quite so fast, and then it was going even slower.  Finally, after what felt like an entire life time, it stopped, and the rumbling noise and the bumpy-ness went away.  For the first time in ages, Little Dude wasn’t screaming.
“We’re here Little Dude!” the nice lady exclaimed.  “You made it!  Here’s your new home until you’re old enough to go out on your own.”

Stay tuned for the epilogue on Friday!  Thanks for your interest in Little Dude!   The page views have been awesome to monitor this last week and a half.  Please feel free to leave a comment and let me know how you have (or haven’t) been enjoying this little story.        

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