Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Aw yeah. . . WIPpet Wednesday is here!

*Toots the horn on the 'Little Engine That Could'*

Welcome aboard WIPpet Wednesday, folks!  Here is my second time joining in with the rest of some wonderful authors in sharing my Work In Progress.  Anyone can participate (click on the link to get yourself enrolled), and you get to see a great many tantelizing snippets of imagination-at-work out there.  Thanks to My Random Muse for hosting!

Now, today's date is June 12, 2013.  I will take day twelve from the month and give you 12 paragraphs.  Last WIPpet Wednesday I gave you a small teaser about the massacre at Harper's Grove Annual fair (not to be confused with the annual massacre of Harper's Grove Fair *wink*).  Well, that seemed to have whet quite a few appetites for details, so I am giving you the following 12 paragraphs immediately following that one short three liner from page two of the opening chapter that I 'tantelized' you with. 

To clarify, the massacre of Harper's Grove is a past event.  Terry, one of my main characters, is reflecting back on this story he's heard countless times.  He did not bear witness to the gruesome spectacle.  Akira's speech begins in the first paragraph:

“Kneel, and submit to my will!  Pledge your loyalty to me this day, and your lives will be spared.  You will know work and sweat and labor, but you will also know the freedom from frivolous argument and unnecessary warfare!  Follow me, and take pride in building a new nation that will not fall apart!” Her honey coated voice, enhanced by some sort of magic, rang through the air so all could hear.  Blank, confused stares turned into defiant expressions.  No alien was going to waltz in and declare herself ruler.    

Steve Cromwell, an older gentleman who had the reputation in town for being a heckler, shouted out, “You’re crazy!”

Almond-shaped eyes fixed their stare on him.  Akira said nothing.  Slowly, her lips pulled up in a feral smile that revealed fanged teeth while a growl rose from the back of her throat.  There was a flash, and a long bronze staff instantaneously appeared in her hands.  A half crescent moon sat on the top, hundreds of tiny emerald gems inlaid into the metallic surface.  The gems glittered dangerously as the staff pointed at Steve.  Brilliant green light shot out from the crescent moon center and hit him square in the chest.

The older man was blown backward through the crowd, the force of the blast knocking citizens down as his body carved a path.   He landed roughly on the ground, the crack of his skull echoing loudly as it smacked against the earth.  Blank eyes stared up at nothing, the jaw slanted and jutting out at an unnatural angle.  

Steve was the first casualty.

A terrible moment of silence passed, then Suzanne, Steve’s wife—her name also etched on the memorial wall—filled the air with the shrill keen of a widow’s despair.

Akira’s minions stepped out at that point, scores of them surrounding and trapping the crowd where they stood.  They were skinny, lanky gray creatures with oversized arms and hands, hard wrinkled skin similar to a rhino and just as tough. They had bald heads and melted faces with red beady eyes.

Suzanne’s cries were joined by terrified shrieks from several others, ripping the air with fear and disbelief.  Citizens scattered here and there, only to wind up face to face with one of the melted gray-faced minions, unable to escape.  Large, ape-like hands rose into the air, and when they struck down to the earth, human bone crushed and splintered. 

Stepping out next was a beast of mythical legend: the Minotaur—he was a fearsome creature with a black bull head and two great pointed horns that curved outward and were sharp as spears.  His rippling torso resembled something akin to a body builder on massive amounts of steroids, with thick stalky legs and cloven feet.  Clad in bright golden armor from the waist up and a helmet around his horned head, it wasn’t a surprise he went by the name of Goldore.  Those eyes glittered black coals of putrid and hate, targeting any human as the enemy.  Wielding his great golden sword high up in the air, devastation struck wherever it landed. 

So much bloodshed.   So much loss.

Scores upon scores of people died.  Screams echoed for miles as people scrambled to escape from a trap that snaked them in the further they tried to run.  Too many minions outflanked the citizens, holding them hostage while death claimed them in grotesque fashion.

Few found miraculous escape.  Very few, and not nearly enough.


There you have it!  I welcome comments and positive criticism. 


  1. Way the by, are you on Twitter?

  2. *headdesk, headdesk, headdesk* Another disappearing comment. Sometimes they reappear, so I'll just have to wait and see. In case it doesn't: I like your excerpt. =0)

    1. Hmm, if there was something other than the twitter comment and this one, methinks it fell prey to the black hole of internet doom. But thank you! Glad you liked, and yes, I'm on twitter. @booksbysmiles. I've just discovered the #wippet hashtag, I will SO be using it! Feel free to follow me, and I'll follow back! (that goes to everyone else reading this too)

  3. Wow, dark and frightening even without grisly details. Nice job!

    1. Thank you! That's my aim. I don't think you need the grisly details to still get the same point across.

  4. That was quite something! A very vivid, dark and powerful scene. Great stuff!

  5. "melted faces with red beady eyes" Love that description. Very unique and fresh. Quite the set-up. Note to self, careful who you heckle!

    1. *nods solemnly* Yes, poor Steve, the town heckler... *sniff*

  6. I think I'm going to have nightmares about those minions. "Melted faces..." very evocative without being too forceful with the description. I like it. :)

    1. That's exactly my aim. I said this in a previous reply, but I'm not trying to go for some imitation of "SAW 1,2,3,4,etc." I like me some description that doesn't overkill. Thanks for the feedback on that.

  7. Lots to like in here! I have a feeling this going to be an interesting world.

    Though one tiny nit-pick... the steroids comment. The story feels so much like something set in an "olden times" setting that the mention of steroids was like "Huh? Where are we?" Don't know about you, but I try to avoid jolting the reader out of the story.

    1. Yay!! Thanks for the nit-pick, I'm totally okay with hearing that kind of feedback. The story is actually set in modern times. Akira and her beasts are what is 'out of place.' Though still, you hit on something that I myself have been frowning on. I can paint a better picture without using those words. It just doesn't flow with the rest of the set up.


    Tag! You're it!

  9. I love the description of what happens to Steve - wow, what a way to go! But would his head impact with a crack, or a sickening thud? I'm thinking the crack would work best if he landed on a rock...

    Forgive me...I just wrote a cataclysmic scene of my own, so I'm a bit more fixated on these details than I usually am!

    I would love to get behind those melted faces and red beady eyes, and into the heads of the minions. Why are they doing this? What, if anything, do they feel as they are crushing humans....and where the heck are they FROM, anyway?

    I agree about the steroids. I'm reading this excellent description of a minotaur - and, in my mind, Greek myths an steroids make uncomfortable bedfellows...but, judging by the other descriptions, I'm sure you will find one that really has us fearing him (for instance, I'm thinking "the kind of chest a pit bull would have, if he were half-human", because they have such powerful, fur over solid rippling muscle..)

    I am intrigued, and eager to learn more...well done! =D
