Sunday, June 2, 2013

Work In Progress: The Reveal of my Next Project

Happy Sunday to all of you!  I want to thank you for taking time out of your lives to mosey onto this itty bitty corner of the internet and read someone's musings.  Hopefully Little Dude's story was entertaining and worthy of your time.  If you have read The Coin, then you know that this mini story was a bit different in writing style and genre.   

Well, I am shifting writing styles/genres yet again and want to reward you with insight into my current WIP (Work In Progress).  I was tagged last week with a fun little game fellow authors participate in, which is answering a few questions about one's WIP.  I figured sharing this survey would be an appropriate way to reveal my new project with you.  My thanks to Adrian J Smith for tagging me!Without further ado...

1.       What is the name of your current WIP?

I am writing the first book in a five book series that is titled 'How You Found Me.' The sub-title is yet unknown.

2.       Give a short summary of your WIP.  

Terry Owens has moved to Harper’s Grove with one mission in mind: to join the Defenders and battle against the alien force of Akira and her driving ambition to take over the city.  There’s just one problem—becoming one of the Defenders isn’t exactly a position for hire.  Determined and optimistic, Terry doesn’t let that insignificant detail stop him from hoping to be the first exception.  With that sole purpose in mind, it is why he tries so hard to keep himself from falling for quiet, charming James, who just so happens to be the leader of the team—until James starts to show similar interest.  It catches both by surprise. After all, neither of them had ever allowed that aspect of their lives to be open for discussion.  In the meantime, little does Terry know someone else is eager to make his dream of becoming a Defender come true.  With her own devious plans in mind, Akira seeks to give Terry all the power he could ever want—at the cost of his own free will.

3.       Ready to do a cover reveal? 
        Not even close!  It’s on the back burner of my thoughts though, believe me.  I've got ideas stirring. 

4.       How many words are you into it? 
       About 13,200 words.  Because page count vastly differs depending on the format and size used (especially for the digital book age), giving a page count isn’t the most accurate way to gauge the size of an author’s story.  Though for those who are still curious, that puts me at about 31 pages in Microsoft Word.  I would like to add here, that this is my word count for a third (or is it fourth?) revision of this story.  It’s a project I have been working on for over a year. I do believe this latest revision is on the right track, which is why I am choosing to reveal it to you guys!

5.       Goal word count by the end of the week?
       I need to be better at setting goals, so to motivate myself, I have recently tried to set myself the task of 5,000 words this week, but we’ll see!

6.       Goal word count for the entire manuscript?
        60,000-70,000 words

7.       What genre does your WIP fall within? 
        Action/superhero, fantasy, romance, gay fiction.

8.       When would you *like* to publish this project? 
        My hope is toward the end of this year if I can get myself writing fast enough now that I’ve ironed out a lot of the kinks. Not all of them, but most.
9.       Go to page 5 of your manuscript and pick a sentence at random to share with us! 
        I’ll give you a little bit more than a sentence!  How about a paragraph?

Terry continued staring up at the monument, lost in the thoughts and memories swimming around in his head.  These were a group of highly skilled fighters, known for their magical abilities, but mostly for their message to defend, protect, serve, and not let the enemy win.   Six people—it seemed a little crazy that six people, extraordinary or magical—could fight the way they did against the alien forces of Akira.  It was true she hadn’t picked forces that had keen intellect, but strength was still strength, and her side had lots of it. 
10.       Will this WIP be turned into a series book?  
        You bet!  This will be a five book series at the very least.

11.       What has been the hardest challenge working on this WIP? 
       It originally was a fanfiction piece inspired by the Power Rangers (yup, I’m proud of that!).  You will see the influence as you read it.  It has been a challenge changing things around to make it enough of my own, hence the number of revisions it has gone through.

12.       What has been your favorite part of working on this WIP? 
        Writing Terry and James.  That’s about all I’ll say!

13.      Any special treat planned for when you finish the final draft of your WIP? 
        Oh my!  Well, since it’s a series, I’ll be eager to move on to the next book, but eating out and a back scratch from the hubby would be quite nice.  I’m relatively easy to please.
Stay tuned for WIPpet Wednesdays!  What is that, you ask?  Well, it is where I share with you an update on my WIP that somehow corresponds with the date I am posting on.  Don't really get it?  Come back on Wednesday to see what I mean :)

(Mwahaha! Come on, I've gotta leave you with a small semblance of a cliff-hanger!)

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