Wednesday, June 5, 2013

WIPpet Wednesday

"Let's whip it, let's WIPpet Wednesday!" 

From my last post, hopefully I've got you wondering what WIPpet Wednesday really entails.  Well, it's a fun little way to give readers a taste of my current WIP: Work In Progress.  Each Wednesday, I'm going to reveal something about my project that correlates with the day's date.  Adrian has turned me onto this, and if you're curious, WIPpet is also going around at that site too. 

So, today is June 5, 2013.  I am taking the day's calendar date of 5, and using a simple math equation:  2+3=5.  So for my WIPpet today, on the second page of my manuscript, I am sharing three lines with you.  They are:

Terry had heard the story of the Harper’s Annual Fair Massacre countless times:  Standing atop the stage and scattering local entertainment, Akira’s large emerald eyes bore down onto the crowd, glaring with fierce determination, silently challenging anyone to defy her.
Well, there you have it!  Page 2, with three lines, equals 5. :)  Short and sweet, and. . . tantelizing, I hope?  I welcome any comments. 

Sunday and Wednesday will hold updates on this blog from me.  If you haven't, I encourage you to subscribe to e-mail updates.  If any one is more familiar with blogger than I am, is there a way you can view stats on users who have done so? 

I hope you guys have a great week, and thank you kindly for stopping by my itty bitty corner of the web.


  1. LOL you don't give them much, do you! So glad I have access to more! muahahaha

    1. *clasps hands together* For my first WIPpet? Gotta get the taste buds salivating!

  2. This is really good Sarah. I'm keen to know more about this girl (woman?) Akira.

    1. *nods* Uh-huh, you are correct, Akira is a woman :) Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving a comment!

  3. Definitely tantalizing. Just a guess: it's Akiras job to do the "massacre"? Maybe? Or maybe she's the massacre-ee? Or trying to stop the massacre? See. Tantalizing. :-)

    1. LOL, I believe it is one of the above mentioned plot bunnies, yes *grins*

  4. I was intrigued by the first sentence and the story of Harper's Annual Fair Massacre... Good stuff!

    1. *squee* Thank you! Can't tell you how happy I am to see all these comments on here! It's the busiest this little blog of mine has been. So glad for WIPpet Wednesday!

  5. Ooooh, I hate those little, bitty, snippets of WIPpets! Well, the devious part of me truly enjoys them. The reader part of me screams, "I WANT MORE!!!" Nice. Intriguing. Like Kate, Harper's Annual Fair Massacre is a real grabber.

    1. I do have to add in some brow raising and a 'mwahahaha!' here. As a reader and deviant, I fully agree with your opposing sentiments :) However, I don't plan to keep *everything* so short in the future. This is just the start.

  6. Very tantalising! I like the sound of Akira - getting ready to take on the crowd?

    1. Thank you! You could say something like that, yeah :)

  7. I am a fan of the macabre, so you had me at the word "massacre". And the rest sounds very intriguing, Akira seems to have made quite an entrance.

  8. There is something just awesome about an Annual Fair Massacre.

    I assume our POV character is someone in the audience who is "eagerly" awaiting this special event? :-D

  9. LOL, every town needs a good annual purge, doesn't it? I am not quite aiming for a Steven King thriller though, so I think I shall have to switch some words around. Thanks for pointing that out, really made me laugh.

  10. More! Tell me more! That was too intriguing! And slightly creepy, in a good way :)
    Also, I'm doing something different for my WIPpet next week. I'm going to let you vote at this post for which previous WIPpet you'd like me to continue. I should have put this at the bottom of this Wednesday's post but I forgot so sorry for clogging up your comments. :) Feel free to edit this bit out :)
